
Things to Like: Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel is like, other worldly hot.
So hot that if you said, "Zooey, I'd like to take a picture of you," and she said "Great, and I'll hold this sign that says Zooey Deschanel - Frozen Yogurt on it." - you wouldn't just smash your camera into a million bits because of how incredibly stupid that idea is. Which you would almost certainly do in any other case.
You'd probably just smile and say, "Sure baby, that's great."

So hot that if you were in an ice cream parlor and she asked to taste three or four flavors - you wouldn't even get annoyed. You wouldn't even think to yourself, "Really??? You don't know what fucking Butter Pecan tastes like?"

Because you know when you get home she'll be laying around in a baggy Misfits shirt asking if you want to watch the new Dark Shadows box set she bought. And you'll be all "yyyeeeeaaaaahhhh...."


Shawn said...

Wait. Is it the original Dark Shadows or that crappy 80's remake? Some things are unforgivable, even for either of the Deschanel girls.

It's a god damned shame she's marrying that Gibbard fellow. Maybe now he'll be happy. Wasn't he already married? WTF. Greedy turd.

Want to see a creepy Zooey Descanel moment? watch the Myspace Artist to Artist with her and Brian Wilson. I love Wilson, but damn that was an awkward interview. Especially at the end.

Anonymous said...

shut up