
Living in the South 02: the Police

Ah, police officers.
I know, I know - they aren't all bad.


Perhaps you saw this article about our new Sheriff here in Orange County? This level of stupidity says something about the new Sheriff, but also about the people - because that's the only level of communication they can handle. And of course about the news for repeating it - I don't understand, was there no new footage of that surfing squirrel?

I still vote in the county I grew up in, where the sheriff who won - his last name is Borders. He ran on this catchphrase - "Keep Our Borders."

Our county borders? Keep them from who? Those god damn Volusians? I mean, clever use of his name being Borders aside... he's essentially running on a reference to keeping foreign people ("furners" as they say in that county) out of America - for a county sheriff's position.

And you know what? He won by a fucking landslide. But in all fairness, after the election, I looked at the ballot and every candidate listed first won except for one, and that person had a very long German name, and was a woman.

And today, I come across this article. Long story short, a woman signs up for the KKK on the internet, agrees to come to an initiation ritual, she travels from Oklahoma to meet these clan members in Louisiana, they go to a campsite, the clan members kill her. Apparently there is some sort of conjecture about there possibly being "foul play" involved - which seems pointless to debate when one is talking about cult members killing a woman at a ritual in the woods. But that's just my progressive viewpoint.

Apparently the 7 clan members involved then tried to cover up what they did, including burning the woman's personal belongings. They are both men and women, ranging from ages 20-30. At the scene of the crime they found multiple clan robes - one emblazoned with a patch that said "KKK Security Enforcement" - belonging to someone who is obviously not very good at his job.

Capt George Bonnet provides us with this completely irrelevant piece of news :
"We haven't completely sorted out if they finished the initiation... I assume that they had started it, but I don't know if they were finished."

Thanks Cap!

And then when you think it can't be any worse, old Sheriff Jack Strain lets us know there is nothing to worry about, letting the public know there is no reason to be concerned:
"This is not what I would call an established Klan group," he said. "The Klan has a pretty high association with violence. Some of these guys are just crooks, sociopaths... I can't imagine anyone feeling endangered or at risk by any one of these kooks."

I mean, I could think of at least one person who might have felt endangered and at risk.
(Spoiler: the person they killed)

Just your average sociopathic, murdering, cult joining crooks folks - you can go back to watch Biggest Loser now.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Get a load of that picture of the KKK leader guy. What the hell. Do these people really think that that's the best the white race has to offer? There's a reason why you're hard put to find college professors donning bed sheets and prancing around bonfires in the middle of the woods on weekends.