
WTF 01: Bob Kane - Exit Stage Left Even

so... i get to work this morning, listening to fresh air and they announce an interview with bob kane (that's the guy that invented batman for all you dumb babies out there). so i'm thinking - badass - right? as a huge batman fan, and not like miley cyrus wearing a batman t-shirt while taking half naked pictures for her 15 year old boyfriend but then i saw them on the internet on accident that one time i clicked on a link that said "donate money for really sad orphans." not like that one, super hot, example.

i actually read batman. (killer right now, by the way - grant morrison writing batman r.i.p.)

so obviously i'm very excited to hear an interview with bob kane so he can be all brooding and knowledgeable about batman...

it comes on, and immediately... he sounds like snagglepuss. the guy that invented batman - sounds like snagglepuss.

and i just wikipedia'd him and found out that he died in 1998. which means he may or may not have died in 1998.

so i wont be making fun of him for saying things like how every superhero is a direct rip-off of either batman or superman - while simultaneously being offended that terry gross alluded to superman being an influence on batman's creation. the only exception being spiderman, who bob kane reminds us is "like a spider."

and yes, i've had sex with a girl.


and it was actually two different girls.

listen to it yourself and weep. FRESH AIR - BOB KANE INTERVIEW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heavens to murgatroyd