
Special Feature: Bear vs. Shark

Part 1: The Question

There are many great questions in the world. Questions that have not only shaped, but have also shaken the very existence of the human soul.

What is love?
What is the meaning of life?
What do dreams mean?

And, like, whatever Hamlet was asking about.

All wonderful questions, worthy of your time.

Like the time, after a couple passes of a joint between friends in your dorm room, you found yourself asking: "Dude, what if the color that I see and call red is like, totally different to you. What if it's like... blue, to you! How would you know, man? How. Would. You. Knoooow?"

And you friend was all like, "Oh man, stop it. You're freaking me out with that."

But I pose to you today, a question of greater magnitude than any of the aforementioned queries. And that question, which was most publicly posed on an episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast, is as follows:

In a fight to the death, who would win: a bear or a shark.

Now wait, you're saying, how does that work exactly, you're asking. One resides on land, while the other resides in water - how could a fight between these two juggernauts ever take place? Well, give me a goddam second to tell you, will you? Geez.

Or maybe you're saying to yourself - I don't think that those two animals would even be interested in fighting each other. Perhaps you think that they would just see each other and be all like "whatevs." But you would be overlooking the one true, scientific, fact about animals - and that is that all they want in life is to kill each other to the death.

They did that whole song about it in the Lion King, it was called Hakuna Matata.

So, prepare to be astonished - or at least bothered by someone who has spent a modest to excessive amount of time contemplating this scenario.

Over the course of this serial in-depth series we will fully explore this question in hopes to finally put this age old debate to rest.

Coming Soon:
Part 2: Arena

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